Thursday, September 28, 2006

I honestly don't care about this

Question: What do you think of former President Clinton's actions on Chris Wallace's interview? Corey W., Hartford, Ct.

Answer: I almost decided, Corey, not to respond to your question simply because I have no interest in Bill or Hillary Clinton. However, I realize that many people are still fascinated with them. Whether or not Clinton's "fit of anger" at Wallace was contrived (as some suspect) or not doesn't really matter. Clinton is a narcissist, a manipulator and a proven liar. He easily becomes upset when things don't go his way or when anyone questions his "brilliance." It is too late for Clinton, or his wife (also a proven liar) to build onto his legacy as President. It is now totally in the hands of History. He (and she) can rant, rave, protest and plead his case but it is all in vain. History will determine his legacy. The book was closed on his Presidency when Bush was sworn in as the new President on January 20, 2001. History will evaluate Clinton's Presidency based on what he said and did during his time in office. All his protestations since he left office will have no bearing on History's evaluation of him. I do not think History will be kind to Clinton (or Mrs. Clinton). I say that because he History will eventually be written based upon facts and not the editorial opinions of the liberal left media in the U.S.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Question: Listen, I need a short answer to a situation that is truly bothering me. I am a junior in college and doing well. I have been offered a job that has a future and pays well. Should I leave college and take the job or stay in college and go for my degree? Stan N., Boston, Mass.
Answer: Stay in college and graduate!

Monday, September 18, 2006

I question their patriotism

Question: I saw, on a TV interview program, where a democratic senator got all bent out of shape, diverted the question and accused the interviewer of questioning his patriotism. What do you think of this tactic? Blake S., Albany, NY.
Answer: I think, Blake, it is a tactic that has been working. It is not politically correct to question a liberal's patriotism. Nonetheless, I do. Democratic Congressmen has basically proposed that America surrender in our current war with terrorists. Because of that stance, I question their patriotism. The results of their "cut and run" strategies would be damaging to the United States. Consequently, I question their patriotism. Whether they admit it or not, we are at war. How can you call yourself a patriot when everything you propose would hurt your country and help your country's enemies? A democrat politician may be able to call himself a patriot under such conditions but I cannot. I seriously question his patriotism.
I realize, Blake, that this answer makes me sound like a conservative republican. I never considered myself as such. It's simply that the democratic party has moved so far left of mainstream America and mainstream American values, that I have no choice but to support republican candidates.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The War on Terrorists

Question: Hi Scot. I have read all your answers and have found them all to be excellent responses. It got me to thinking. Why couldn't you or some group of geniuses like you come up with a solution to the problem with the terrorists? Can you think of a way to deal with the terrorists? Jared K., Boston, Mass.
Answer: Thanks, Jared, for the kind comments and an excellent question. I have thought of a plan that I think would be successful in stopping terrorist activities. I cannot be certain it would work because of the nature of the people involved. We are not dealing with sane and rational people. Consequently, it is difficult to determine how they will respond to different strategies. I do not think that I should publicly reveal such a plan. It is not likely that President Bush will be calling me; but still, I do not feel comfortable revealing such a plan to which anyone could have access.
However, Jared, let's look at this "problem," as you call it. It is actually much more than a problem. While several nations in Europe (France, Spain, Italy and others), the American democratic political party and the American mass media refuse to acknowledge it, the terrorists have declared war on America. And, in reality, we are at war with terrorist groups around the world. President Bush said we need to hunt them (terrorists) down and kill them. To date, I have not heard anyone offer a better solution. (Although, as previously mentioned, I think I have one.) And this is from someone who is a vegetarian primarily because I am opposed to killing anything (except mosquitoes, ticks and fleas - God's mistakes). Now while I choose to eat vegetables, I have friends and relatives who consistently eat hamburgers in front of me. That is fine. I would never infringe upon their right to do so. As long as sportsmen obey hunting laws and hunt only where they have permission to hunt, I have no problem with them. That is their right as it is my right to choose not to kill any animals. But we are not dealing with people who practice democracy. These terrorists have said they want to kill us and our way of life. History clearly demonstrates that you cannot successfully compromise with such people. How can good compromise with evil? How can America compromise with people whose goal is the destruction of America?
Simply because the American democratic political party refuses to acknowledge that we are at war with a very real, though unorthodox and irrational, enemy does not lessen the reality of our situation. We are at war - and, most likely, will remain at war for many years to come. Perhaps someone in the higher ranks of our military or government will think of my plan and use it. Perhaps it will work. But it may not. It involves getting Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others actively and directly involved as our allies in the war on terror. But they would not like the involvement I have in mind. The entire plan requires America to go more on the offensive and play a less reactionary role.
This is the fifth anniversary of the terrorists' attacks of September 11, 2001. It should always remind us of the terrible destruction that our enemies are capable of performing and of the deaths they hope to replicate. It is obvious that the terrorists are constantly planning additional attacks on America. Enough said.