Monday, September 18, 2006

I question their patriotism

Question: I saw, on a TV interview program, where a democratic senator got all bent out of shape, diverted the question and accused the interviewer of questioning his patriotism. What do you think of this tactic? Blake S., Albany, NY.
Answer: I think, Blake, it is a tactic that has been working. It is not politically correct to question a liberal's patriotism. Nonetheless, I do. Democratic Congressmen has basically proposed that America surrender in our current war with terrorists. Because of that stance, I question their patriotism. The results of their "cut and run" strategies would be damaging to the United States. Consequently, I question their patriotism. Whether they admit it or not, we are at war. How can you call yourself a patriot when everything you propose would hurt your country and help your country's enemies? A democrat politician may be able to call himself a patriot under such conditions but I cannot. I seriously question his patriotism.
I realize, Blake, that this answer makes me sound like a conservative republican. I never considered myself as such. It's simply that the democratic party has moved so far left of mainstream America and mainstream American values, that I have no choice but to support republican candidates.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! Someone saying what I have been thinking for some time now. Those liberals are completely unpatriotic. They seem to have no sense of history. They think we can appease murderers and religious fanatics. You cannot. I also know what you mean about voting republican. The democrats have just given us no other choice.

6:58 AM  

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