Thursday, September 28, 2006

I honestly don't care about this

Question: What do you think of former President Clinton's actions on Chris Wallace's interview? Corey W., Hartford, Ct.

Answer: I almost decided, Corey, not to respond to your question simply because I have no interest in Bill or Hillary Clinton. However, I realize that many people are still fascinated with them. Whether or not Clinton's "fit of anger" at Wallace was contrived (as some suspect) or not doesn't really matter. Clinton is a narcissist, a manipulator and a proven liar. He easily becomes upset when things don't go his way or when anyone questions his "brilliance." It is too late for Clinton, or his wife (also a proven liar) to build onto his legacy as President. It is now totally in the hands of History. He (and she) can rant, rave, protest and plead his case but it is all in vain. History will determine his legacy. The book was closed on his Presidency when Bush was sworn in as the new President on January 20, 2001. History will evaluate Clinton's Presidency based on what he said and did during his time in office. All his protestations since he left office will have no bearing on History's evaluation of him. I do not think History will be kind to Clinton (or Mrs. Clinton). I say that because he History will eventually be written based upon facts and not the editorial opinions of the liberal left media in the U.S.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, Dr. Andrews, you have nailed it. I never know which direction you are going to take with an answer but I am always impressed. Keep up the good work!

9:16 AM  

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