Evil mother-in-law!
Answer: Listen, if you don't think you can outwit this woman at her own game, (which I think would be fun) why don't you, your wife and your son move to another state? I don't know the nature of your work but there are plenty of opportunities for a young man in the South and out West or maybe in New England. Your mother-in-law's control and power sounds like it stems from her contacts and connections in your home town. If you sever those connections, you should eliminate most of her power. However, her evil intentions will follow her wherever she goes. In the meantime, I would not allow her to be alone with my four-year-old son, if I were you. Always find a reason why it is not the right time for her to babysit alone. I don't like advising someone to "run away from their problem." However, in your situation, I do think that this may be the best possible solution for a bad situation. You and your wife can start anew in a totally different community. Sometimes, fleeing evil is the best course of action. I sincerely wish you and your family (wife and son) the best. Good luck.